The Top 5 Injury Healing Nutrients

May 06, 2023

Following an injury, most of us take some steps to deal with the injury by resting and take some time off. If severe enough, we'll go to a doctor or therapist for some treatment. Of course, we don't ice our injury after reading; Come Out Of The Cold - Why icing injuries delays recovery and slows healing. But, now, what other steps can you take to help heal faster and get you off the sidelines and back in the game?

Let's look at how we can encourage healing from the inside out. There are 5 key nutrients involved in the healing and repair of tissue. This is an ongoing process in the body since our cells are constantly being turned over and renewed. But, following intense exercise and injuries, we need to make sure we're topping off our reserves to get the best healing outcome. 

The Top 5 Healing Nutrients

  1. BromelainBromelain is used for reducing pain and swelling after surgery or injury. It also helps with osteoarthritis, cancer, digestive problems and muscle soreness. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme found in pineapple juice and the pineapple stem. Bromelain causes the body to make substances that fight pain and swelling. Bromelain also helps promote blood flow. 
  2. Zinc - Zinc helps in the healing process by supporting cell membranes and is involved in gene signaling in the healing pathway. Zinc is involved in the repair of tissues like tendons, ligaments and muscles. Studies reveal that zinc speeds up healing in the tissue.

  3. Collagen - According to a 2021 study, "Collagen peptide supplementation, in conjunction with exercise, may be beneficial for the management of degenerative bone and joint disorders". Collagen is the most abundant form of protein in the body and is made up of a high concentration of three amino acids - glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. 

  4. Vitamin C - This well known micronutrient has a lot more to do in the body but boost your immune system. Vitamin C pays a huge role in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is the scaffolding the body lays down during the second stage of healing know as the proliferative phase and is essential for the formation of new tissue. In regards to injury, it helps lay the foundation for new tendon, ligament and cartilage. 
  5. Vitamin D - Vitamin D really should be categorized as a pro-hormone. Most people know the "sunshine" vitamin for bone health and calcium absorption. But, Vitamin D plays an important role in modulating the immune system. Low levels can allow runaway acute and chronic inflammation in the body. In addition, vitamin D is a factor in reducing post-exercise muscle damage. Some authors have also noted that up to 93% of patients suffering from nonspecific musculoskeletal pain presented with vitamin D deficiency. 

So, if you find yourself in the unfortunate position of sitting on the couch suffering from a sports injury, make sure to hit your Amazon account and get these five nutrients into your daily routine. 

You can also access these nutrients by clicking the images below. 



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