
30 Day Core Stability

This program as been successfully used in sports medicine clinics around the world to build strength, stability and balance in the deep core structures. This program will reverse the "deconditioning" resulting from sedentary lifestyles, prolonged sitting and poor posture. Even in well conditioned athletes, these structures can become weakened leaving you susceptible to lower back injuries. Start your 30 Day Core Stability Program instantly!

What you'll get:

  • A step-by-step video guide to help you get the best results

  • The Dynamic Core Rehab Book that describes the exercises in detail

  • A daily log to track your progress

  • For less than the cost of a doctors visit, you can get the relief you've been looking for

  • It's like having Dr. Kaufman as your own coach!

What People Are Saying:

I’ve been suffering from some low back and hip pain from and it’s been affecting my daily life. I enjoy doing CrossFit regularly and the pain was greatly affecting me there as well. Adding in these exercises has me so much better in all aspects of my life. CrossFit has improved and even sitting at my desk working feels so much better. I highly recommend this.

Brittnay M.