
30 Day Knee & Core Strengthening

This program will train the essential musculature associated with providing knee stabilization and balance. Most knee issues originate from "Quad Dominance" and weak posterior chain musculature, leaving you susceptible to excessive wear and tear to your knees.
In addition to all the content of the 30 Day Knee Stability program, you will get the Dynamic Core Rehab program I've used with my patients for the past 30 years. By combining knee specific programming with core strength and stability you will ensure full knee recovery.

What you'll get:

  • A step-by-step video program to help you get the best results

  • The 30 Day Knee Stability program

  • The Dynamic Core Stability program

  • The Knee Rehab Book that describes the exercises in detail

  • A daily log book to track your progress

  • For less than the cost of a doctors visit, you can find the relief you've been looking for

  • It's like having Dr. Kaufman as your own personal coach!